Dear Jesus;
I love you Lord. I know you love me, and I'm getting to know that love more and more as time goes by. I used to think so much less of you, but now I know you are so much more than I could ever possibly imagine or think; with You there is more love, more kindness, more sweetness, You are more giving, more ready to listen, wanting to be involved with every detail of my life. You are showing me this unconditional love and it is blowing my mind. I just cannot fathom it... I ponder on it often during the day and I want to think on it more. Because when I do, I am at peace.
It is so great for me to know that I don't have to take care of everything, that you are there to watch over me, to provide for me like a good Father would, to keep me from harm and evil, to help me to love and remain free.
Ah, freedom. I know I'm not there yet, and I so long to be. I get tired of the fears I carry. Insecurities, fear of what people think, putting on faces. I don't like doing that, but yet you tell me to be patient with myself. Lord, there is none as patient as you. Your kindness is so gracious. I take great comfort in knowing that.
Today Lord, I want to soak up your Love for me. I don't want to get too busy to listen to you. I want to hear you, my Friend, my Best Friend. Your words to me are life to me. Life and health and peace. I love your words to me Lord.
Thank you for reminding me that I am not responsible for cleaning up my own soul. That you just ask that I be willing, and you join your hand to mine and we do it together, yet it is all in your power.
I must say that I feel so romanced by You lately. I listened the other night as you told me how You are everything I have ever wanted in a Husband. And I heard you ask me to marry You. I know this is for Your whole church Lord, but it was oh so special for me to hear your personal question to me, "Will you marry Me?". It just makes my head spin and I don't even know what to say after something like that, but of course, I answer unequivocally, YES! Who would not love someone back who loves them like this. I so wish everyone in the whole world knew that they were made for YOU and that YOU desire them like a groom longs for His betrothed.
Are you weeping Lord? I hear You weep. And yet you are laughing too. What is it, Lord?
"I am weeping and laughing at the same time, knowing you are getting so close to loving Me and trusting Me unconditionally the way I love and trust you, my Dear One. Your victory is just around the corner. Keep holding My hand, and do not fear as you get near the finish line. It will all become very clear to you very soon. Just keep trusting Me. I will draw closer and closer to you as you draw closer to Me. It just makes me so excited to see you come to Me like this, and to finally receive My love for you in those deep places that were closed to Me for so many years. Thank you for opening up your heart to me and letting Me in. It is fulfilling a deep longing within Me too, Christine. I have longed for you to know My love here. Thank you so much for listening, My Bride. Your love for Me thrills my heart. "
Song of Solomon 4:9 "You have made my heart beat faster, my sister,my bride; you have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes, with a single strand of your necklace."
Hosea 3: 16 and 19
16: "And it will come about in that day, declares the Lord, That you will call me Ishi (Husband) and will no longer call me Baali (Master)."
19: "And I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and in justice, in lovingkindness and in compassion, and I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness. Then you will know the Lord."
New American Standard version, parenthesis mine.